Welcome to the website of the Parish of Coll linked with Connel and Dunbeg, three congregations which are part of the wider fellowship of believing people who worship the one true, living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who confess Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, seek to walk in His Ways and serve Him in the world.
The linked parishes are
- The Parish of Coll situated on an island in the Inner Hebrides between the islands of Mull and Tiree.
- Parish of Connel and Dunbeg situated on the West coast of mainland Argyll, 4 miles North of Oban.
We are now also linked with the nearby Parish of Ardchattan. To find out more about the life and Parish of Ardchattan visit their site at ardchattanchurch.org.uk
Wednesday 6th November: 10.30am - we meet in the home of Ann & Archie Campbell to continue our study of the Book of Isaiah. All are welcome to join us.
Thursday 7th November: 10am - our walking group meet in the car park opposite the Pink Shop in Benderloch.
10.30am - Rev Bezuidenhout will hold a vestry hour in St Oran's.
7.30pm - Kirk Session meeting in Dunbeg.
Friday 8th November: 2.30pm - talk from Hilary Lacroix, Mission & Development Coordinator from ”Prospects across Scotland”, an organisation which works amongst Christians in Scotland, raising awareness about the needs of people with learning disabilities and helping to equip churches to be more effective in how they welcome people with additional needs, provide opportunities for them to be involved in worship, highlight the gifts of people with additional needs and how they can build up the church. All members are invited to attend this.
7.30pm - November Quiz, Vitory Hall, Benderloch, in aid of Church Funds. Teams of 6.
Saturday 9th November: 10am - Aillen Binner will lead a training day in Dunbeg Church Hall for anyone interested in being involved in leading worship. Please bring a packed lunch.
Sunday 10th November: 10am Remembrance Day worship in St Oran's led by Rev Willem Bezuidenhout.
Tea, coffee and biscuits available after the service.
12noon - Remembrance Day worship in Dunbeg led by Rev Richard Jackson.
There will be a retiring offering for Erskine Hospital at both services.
The Autum edition of our newsletter is available the NEWS tab above.
Check out our NEWS page for what's going on in our community.